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Metal microstructures in 3D and 4D
Metal Microstructures in 3D and 4D.
3.5: Metal 3D Printing
3D Microstructure Reconstruction of Titanium-5553 alloy.
Peter Voorhees | Watching Microstructure Evolve
Microstructures to Control Elasticity in 3D Printing
APS 3 d Charatcterizations of Additiviley Mfg Metals AD Tony Rollett 5 3 2017
30 Achieving More with Less: Design and Additive Manufacturing of Functionalities...
Multi-metal additive manufacturing: in-situ alloying, composition control and species mixing
Introduction to Vizrt’s RTT Advanced Materials
3D Printed Microlattice - The "World's Lightest Metal" | by Jousefmurad | 3d printech
[Seminários 2022] Overview of the Porous Microstructure Analysis (PuMA) software